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Road Side Vehicle Assistance

Everything from receiving a ticket, dispatching, tracking and closure can be fully tracked and updated using this powerful application. Notify your customers in realtime and improve their customer experience.

Comprehensive Roadside Assistance

Enhance your roadside assistance service with our end-to-end tracking application. Improve customer experience with real-time updates and quick response times.

The Road Side Vehicle Assistance app automates your road side assistance service from start to end. From ticket reception to dispatching and tracking, every process can be fully managed via this app. It enables real-time updates, improving customer experience and satisfaction.

Features & Integrations in this template

Live Location

Give a realtime live view of the mechanic's status to your customers and team


Get notified of any issues in realtime through the channel of choice

Track Inventory

Track the items used in the repair process at an SKU and quantity level

Easy Allocation

Allocate manually or automatically using the management dashboard easily.

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