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Lawn Maintenance Service

Track your orders, pre post service results, time taken and quality of work done in a single place. Improve your customer experience and grow your revenue.

Comprehensive Lawn Care

Manage your lawn maintenance service with our application. Track orders, service results, and quality of work to improve customer experience and business growth.

The Lawn Maintenance Service app enables you to track orders, pre- and post-service results, time taken, and quality of work all in one place. It improves customer experience and enables you to expand your business more effectively.

Features & Integrations in this template

Collect Pre & Post work Images

Track the quality of your work by collecting pre work and post work proofs.

Customer interaction

Provide the right information in a standard format to make users happy

Integrate with OMS

Integrate with Order Management Systems to create tasks realtime

Comprehensive Reporting

Get realtime reporting on every job, status, quality, feedback and much more.

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